Braveyankee 123 LLC is a full service Information Technology Agency Analytical and solutions-driven professional with a computer science background and experience in the development, documentation, and delivery of process innovations. Process-oriented and skilled at transforming company practices into cost-effective solutions and more efficient operations.
HUBZone Certified
Minority owned business enterprises (MBE)
Small Business Enterprises (SBE)
Certified Small Business (SB)
Business insights
Drives Results
Global Perspective
Situational Adaptability
Cultivates Innovation
Bullion Magazine Digital Marketing Analyst
Fieldwork Research Data Engineer
LG Research QA engineer
Test Cases
Alist Newsmag Digital Marketing
Data Entry
541613 518210 541613 561720
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1700 Northside Drive Ste A7 7143 Atlanta, GA 30318
© 2022 Braveyankee 123 LLC